

Seriously guys. Drink this stuff. I tried it for the first time three weeks ago, and I am firmly in the Church of Cheerwine. I'm a Cheerwinist, devout follower of Cheerwinism and believer in He Who Is Cherry. I'm casting off the shackles of my noodly God and forsaking my ties with Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Instead, I'll now proselytize to other about the joy of Cheery Cherry Soda.

Cheerwine for one and all. The Cheer starts here. A Cheerwine in every glass. Weapons of Mass Cheerwine.All other sodas, nay, all other liquids pale in comparison to the rose tinted nectar of Cheerwine. It's a unique combination of cherry, win, and awesome. It has no equal. It is without compare.

It is as if they bottled sunshine, infused it with a rainbow, made it cherry flavored, and then shot it into space. In that icy vacuum it was exposed to whatever things are exposed and returned greater, stronger, and more flavorful than it left our world.

Thank you. That is all.

I really like it.

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