A man, a plan, a never ending calvacade of happy mistakes, foolish victories, and all will be well. I want to be remarkable. I want to help you be remarkable too.
Ha! The lovely and talented B.L. Ochman name dropped me over on her What's Next Blog. Well, it was close. She dubbed me "Michael Power" - which is an awesome combination of what my mom calls me (Michael Johnson) and what my friends call me (Max Power).
Either way, she linked me and told the flacks over at Jones Soda to send me some free samples! That would be huge, as I am a major fan of Jones Soda, but never think to buy it. It's always one of those impulse purchases when it catches my eye at the store. I need to have a six pack always in my fridge.
Note to self: Jones Soda six pack. (Do they come in six packs?)
This is what the internet is meant for. Talk about remarkable. The editing is solid, the song very well done. This is the kind of entertaining stuff that my industry needs to be spending time creating. I love it.
I saw Bob in concert way back in the beginning of April at Knickerbockers. He put on a great live show. He even records it and then makes the CDs available immediately following the performance. It's a brilliant idea and I've been listening to it ever since. While "Metal and Steel" isn't my favorite song, it's one of his more mainstream ballads that people will like.
This song, which I call "I'm Ready", is great and shows you how he spans genres. The lovely woman in the background is Sharon Little, who will probably be a NMW artist in the future.
And finally, a picture of me and Bob after his show. He looks thrilled to be there, doesn't he?
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day is "mythomania", which is defined as
an excessive or abnormal propensity of lying and exaggerating.
If this is a chronic and constant issue, I can see how it would be a bad thing. However, if wielded correctly, isn't this just the definition of a good storyteller?
Just an update that I still find Twitter remarkable. It's a great little web-app that people are flocking too. Lots of talk and chatter about it making blogs obsolete. I don't know about that, but I do enjoy Twitterville quite a bit. Great way to stay up to date on those you find interesting.
If you sit in front of a computer all day (or any part of the day, for that matter), it might be worth checking out. www.twitter.com/maxpower
I want to extend congratulations to Billy for landing a job at Furman University. He leaves sometime in May to assume his position. I wish him all the luck in the world. Go Paladins.
Also, lost in the shuffle of a hectic first quarter was Benjamin leaving for Alabama. I don't know if I properly highlighted his hiring by the University of Alabama on the blog, so I'll do it now. Good job Ben. Roll Tide.
It's a little scary to think every member of the table is now gainfully employed in the real world. Good job everyone. We did it, despite our best efforts. I forsee some vacations in the south.
I received this card from a friend a few weeks ago along with the following words:
You are fabulous! Your energy & passion is contagious and shines through in all that you do.
Now you know the inspiration for this blog, which is really just a new twist in the road from my old blog, which in my opinion no longer had my full energy and passion.
You'll see some familiar things around here, such as Maxster's New English Dictionary, New Music Wednesdays, and The List. Hopefully you'll see some fresh things as well. Some remarkable things. Things I'm proud of and want to share. Lets have some fun.